Seeking Your People?

  • Our Souls Seek Connection

    Back in the day we came together in circles. Around a fire we danced, we prayed, we loved, and we healed together. Now we have social media, work from home flexibility, and we often move far away from our family.

  • But Where Do We Find Our People?

    Shine On Community Circle is the start of a spiritually-inspired community, a place where everyone belongs, a place where we show up authentically and speak from our hearts. It’s a place where we come together and remember the power of COMMUNITY CONNECTION.

  • Want to Join?

    This circle is open to EVERYONE. Adults of all ages, stages, identities, and backgrounds

    Cost is $30 per 2 hour circle (discounted to $25 for current clients)

    Let’s create the community we’ve been seeking!


    Friday May 24 1-3pm VIRTUAL GATHERING

    Intentional Visionaries: Lonely No More

    Being a visionary/entrepreneur/leader can be challenging. We meet plenty of resistance both internally and externally as we work towards bringing our precious vision to life. It can be quite lonely.

    We are built differently as many of us are hyper-focused and perhaps even obsessive about our visions, which ultimately are our purpose. Not everyone understands how we operate. Yet when we come together we can relate.

    Let's start building community by gathering together and sharing our passion, intensity, victories, and challenges.

    Meet other visionaries from all over. Introduce yourself and share your own, unique vision.

    Email to register, pay $30 fee, and receive link for this virtual gathering.